MAP U.S. Multi-Cap Value Strategy In Broadridge Best Money Managers - 2024 Q4

MAP U.S. Multi-Cap Value Strategy In Broadridge Best Money Managers - 2024 Q4

awards & press releases Feb 27, 2025

MAP U.S. Multi-Cap Value Strategy

“We’re delighted to be recognized once again for our Strategy’s outstanding performance. The last decade has been incredibly challenging for traditional value investors. However, we believe investors still understand the importance of including value exposure in their portfolios. Managed Asset Portfolios’ is celebrating its 25th year. During these years, we have seen various market environments and fads. The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) can be a powerful and insidious force in the investment world. It leads investors to chase hot stocks or trends, often at inflated prices, simply because they fear missing out on potential gains. This emotionally-driven decision-making frequently results in poor investment choices instead of conducting thorough due diligence and assessing a company’s fundamentals. We find it prudent for investors to examine performance over full market cycles that include both bull and bear markets, and suggest they study not only total returns but risk-adjusted returns as well. We credit our consistently high rankings to our disciplined approach, as well as our focus on long-term risk-adjusted returns, the foundation of which is our independent, thematic and catalyst-driven fundamental research and a stable, experienced, and collegial team of investment professionals.” said Michael Dzialo, Founder, President and CIO.

Minimum criteria for inclusion in Broadridge Best Money Managers:

I. Performance must be calculated "net” of all fees and brokerage commissions. This means after all fees have been deducted.

II. Performance must be calculated inclusive of all cash reserves.

III. Performance results must be calculated in U.S. dollars, that is, from the perspective of a U.S.-based investor.

IV. Performance results must be calculated on an asset base which is at least $10 million in size for "traditional” U.S. asset classes (equity, fixed income, and balanced accounts) or at least $1 million in the case of international and "alternative” U.S. asset classes.

V. The classification of the product must fall into one of the categories which Broadridge ranks. Broadridge only publishes rankings for categories/time period combinations for which we have at least 20 contenders.

Broadridge MarketPlace - Data supplied by Lipper - Returns & Rankings As of 12/31/2024

About Us:

Managed Asset Portfolios, LLC (MAP)

From its start as a single-family office for one of the wealthiest families in America, Rochester, Michigan-based Managed Asset Portfolios, LLC has since grown to become a globally recognized, independent SEC-registered investment advisory firm serving 500 families across the world with over $1 billion under management and advisement.

Managed Asset Portfolios claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). To obtain a GIPS Report and/or policies for valuing investments, calculating performance, and preparing GIPS Reports visit our website at: or call us directly at (248) 601-6677.


Awards and recognitions by unaffiliated financial publications should not be construed by a client or prospective client as a guarantee that the client will experience a certain level of results if MAP is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services, nor should they be construed as a current or past endorsement of MAP or its representatives. Rankings are generally based upon information prepared and/or submitted by the recognized adviser. You should not make an investment based solely upon any such award. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. MAP did not pay a fee for inclusion on any award or recognition list.

The material provided is for information only and is not an offer or recommendation to buy or sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security or instrument or to participate in any particular trading strategy. The content of this release is intended for use by qualified investment professionals. Please consult with an investment professional before making any investment decisions using any content from this release.

The “BROADRIDGE Best Money Managers, powered by Lipper” ranks investment managers against peers that have submitted performance history to the Broadridge/Lipper Marketplace database. Performance rankings are available for the most recent quarter, 4 quarter, 12 quarter, 20 quarter and 40 quarter periods. Investment managers are ranked by investment strategy performance relative to peers. Broadridge rankings are not intended to constitute investment advice or predict future results. Rankings are generally based upon information prepared and submitted by advisers. Although obtained from sources deemed reliable, neither Managed Asset Portfolios, LLC (MAP), nor Broadridge, can guarantee the accuracy of data used to create rankings. In addition to periods of positive returns, the U.S. Multi-Cap Value Strategy (fact sheet can be found here) may have experienced some periods of negative returns during the award time frames. Comparison results are historical. There is no guarantee that any investment will achieve its objectives, generate profits, or avoid losses. Please visit the Broadridge Marketplace website ( for more details about the “BROADRIDGE Best Money Managers, Powered by Lipper” rankings.

GIPS® is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein.



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